The Montana Lineman's Rodeo Association would like to thank every sponsor of the Montana Lineman's Rodeo for their gracious donations each year. We welcome any industry partners, utilities, vendors, and service providers to sponsor the Montana Lineman's Rodeo. Sponsors will be prominently advertised at the Rodeo event, as well as listed in the Rodeo program. For sponsorship information, please feel free to contact either our President, Dave Dixon at 406.207.3011, Secretary Tab Dixon at 406-202-5866 or our Treasurer, Selena Fowler at 760.900.3204.
Our sponsorship levels are based upon in-kid donations as well as cash donations. In-kind donations include donations of equipment for the event, materials for the event pole yard, facilities, volunteer labor and goods and services. For 2025, our sponsors will be recognized as the following levels:
- DIAMOND LEVEL: $10,000 and above
- PLATINUM LEVEL: $3,000 to $9,999, includes free vendor space
- GOLD LEVEL: $2,000 to $2,999, includes free vendor space
- BRONZE LEVEL: $1,000 to $1,999, includes free vendor space
- PATRONS: $500 to $999, includes free vendor space
All donations to the Montana Lineman's Rodeo, a 501(c)(3) organization, are deductible for income tax purposes. We greatly appreciate your support!
"Dedicated to those that gave their lives"

Your donations can be sent to:
1205 Grizzly Gulch
Helena, MT 59601